Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mind Junk!

Writers! Don't you just hate it when you are in the middle of writing a story and in your head pops another story disrupting the flow of the story you are writing? Last night, when writing in my head the rest of the story of the Chronicles of the Marauder Book Three another Story that for now I'm calling it "Light" until I think of another name that comes into my head. It is a short story filled with magic, witches and goblins along with other creatures of terror including the living dead. I wonder if I will actually write the whole thing and publish it. Either way, I know I need to finish some of the other stories that I have started but "Light" keeps hanging around in my mind this morning. I guess I should do other things than write today so I can get back on track and finish my series. At least my imagination keeps rolling along adding new ideas, I like that, Do you?
My sister,Barbara is coming to live with us. The nice thing is she has a RV and wants me to drive it for her so we can travel around the country and enjoy the sights. She is in poor health and wants to live before she can no longer do anything. I am happy to be able to drive her around and help take care of her. The only bad part is I won't have as much time to write but she is bringing her laptop so I guess I can still write some.  I just won't blog as much which will make some people happy not hearing from me. LOL!
Talk back, I'm listening! add me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/Agmoye to stay on top of my latest information. Check out my books if you are a reader at http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

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