Monday, June 10, 2013


Being a writer can some times be very confusing and difficult Not writing the book but when you find out that you are the only one that can market your book whether traditionally published or as a Indie author. No one is going to help you but yourself. Sure there is sites out there for a fee that will help market your book and all claim success but no one has a guaranteed  magic wand that works for all! I myself try to find all the free sites that will help get the word out living on a fixed income (retired) and can only hope in the long run that word about my books gets to the readers. After all, that is who we every writer is trying to reach. How do you do it? Is there a better way without spending loads of money that still won't do the job?
As the writing world changes everyday, tried and proven methods of the past no longer work so everyone is trying to find what does work. Including me!  It is a slow and frustrating process even though they say it will take three to five years before a writer gets known out in this world. I think it will take even longer now!
Trying to get my books into the most big name places, I have published all my books that I am not under any contract with on Smashwords trying to reach the largest possible groups of readers. In another few weeks my books should appear on Barnes and Noble, Kobo and in the Apple store among other places. They are all still on Amazon just not KDP select except one.    Talk back to me, I'm listening!

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